Welcome to The K9 Project
Hi !
I am Chris Kent the founder of the K9 Project. Between 2008 and 2024 I ran the mulitiple Award winning K9 Project alongside my pawsome canine team, and some equally pawsome people. During that time we offered a varied and often unique form of services,interventions,programmes and community projects. We were one of the first accredited Alternative Education Providers in Cambridgeshire;we were initiators in offering volunteer led K9 Cafe and dog owner support projects.
We worked full time, reaching hundreds of young people, achieving life changing and life affirming results.
We ran partnership family projects with CAMH Services,focussing on ADHD; resulting in our first book for young people (You Me and AHD – written by Izzydog with a little help from me)
Our dogs are at the centre of everything we do. They are not “assistants” but a central part of what we offer and a key coaching input, providing non judgemental feedback and acceptance. And fun, one can never forget the fun.
We worked with local authorities, schools and colleges, voluntary groups, and directly for individuals and families. We were funded by a range of sources including The Kennel Club, European Social Fund (as it was then) philanthropic individuals as well as stautory services.
Our constantly evolving programmes reflected our group of family dogs and how their unique and individual skills could benefit others.
We also managed to find time to write some books- more about that later, offer coaching and mentoring to others who wanted to set up similar projects, and enage in some speaking and training engagements.
Then – all change -time for me to retire and experience life with a change of pace.
A time to cease the direct work and reflect on the learning, the power of the dogs (always a constant) and what next?
This website will be changing and evolving, feel free to explore our many past experiences and follow us as we progress to the next stage, whatever that may be.
Thank you
contact me directly Find us on facebook, or contact me here